Thursday, November 21, 2013

Neue Deutsch Psychedelische Musik

verdammt gut!

Ya, the German bands of the 70's capture schooon memories for me.

I wasn't aware of the sounds of Popol Vuh, Ash Ra Tempel, Amon Duul, Kluster, Neu! Faust and Can 'til I moved to Santa Barbara in '73 and caught Guy Guden's Space Pirate Radio on the late air waves.
Re-inspired, I played guitar again experimenting with tape looping and synth sequencing.
                                                               Manuel Gottsching  Berlin 

DJ Scungilli  Santa Barbara

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sever Tomorrow

Porcupine Tree plays presently in my ear goggles.
                A British band that'll hold up as well as Pink Crimson 'til 2205...
                                                                                            If we're still hangin' around.